Lawn Mower Service - Lincoln

Lawn Mower Service - Lincoln

In the Autumn season, our mowers may not get used as much as the rest of our garden tools, but that doesn't mean we have to neglect them. You need to know about the best options when it comes to looking after your lawnmower during this winter season.

Imagine this scenario - Summer is underway, you've got lovely green grass that's growing a tad too high for your liking. You decide that you need to act, and trim that grass before it gets so high that you won't be able to see out your windows. Now you could just use a grass trimmer, this might be suitable for small surface areas of grass or the edges of your lawn, but for those long, and huge areas of grass need a bigger tool, the lawnmower that's in the back of your shed, begging to be used. You go to use your lawnmower; you haven't used it since the last summer season. You try to turn it on, but it won't start.

Now you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, you can either use your strimmer for the whole lawn, or you can take advantage of Mower Magic's Lawn Mower Service.

Here at Mower Magic, we offer servicing during every season, we recommend that you send your mower in for servicing every winter, so it gets the best care during the cold months. That way, it will be ready for when the grass starts to grow again.

You may be asking, well what type of lawn mower service do you do? We can do any type of rotary lawnmower, whether that be a ride on, a robot or just a regular rotary push mower. The same goes for brands of lawnmowers too!

* Mountfield
* Stiga
* Cobra
* Hayter
* .. and many more

We offer to service all types of lawn tools, we aren't just limited to lawn mowers, we can service your chainsaw if needed.

Still deciding on whether your lawnmower needs a service. Well, what if we also offered to pick up and deliver your lawn mower back to you, after we've finished with your lawn mower service. Have a look at our Servicing Page on our website, and make the right decision about what you're going to do when it comes to that summer season.